Trade name: Urea
Latest price (March 30): 1716.67 RMB/ton
On March 30, the ex-factory quotation for urea in Shandong declined slightly, which was 10.00 RMB/ton lower than the quotation on March 27, a decrease of 0.58%. On the demand side: Agricultural demand in the north is basically over. In terms of industrial demand, the compound fertilizer plant consumes more of the previous inventory and picks up a small amount. The demand for the rubber sheet plant is weak and the recovery is slow. On the supply side: recently, the resumption rate of enterprises has gradually picked up, and manufacturers' inventory pressure has risen.
On the international front, the Indian tender is open today. The shipping date is May 5, with a target of more than 1 million tons. Among them, special terms are added: The demurrage costs of the unloading port caused by the quarantine are all borne by the seller. However, at present, India has closed its port for 21 days. Some ports have declared force majeure, and there is greater uncertainty in the development of the epidemic in the later period, or it may affect the actual number of domestic participants in the tender.
Recently, the ex-factory price of urea in Shandong area fell slightly: the average price quoted by manufacturers was around 1,710 RMB/ton.
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