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SunSirs: Overview of September Color Coated Plate Trends (September 1-30)
October 08 2024 09:15:48SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the price of color coated sheet slightly decreased and then increased this month, and the price was basically stable. Influenced by steel mills, the price began to decline at the beginning of the month and slightly increased at the end of the month. On September 1st, the market price of aniline was 6,100 RMB/ton; On September 30th, the price was 6,100 RMB/ton. The average price of color coated sheets this month remained stable compared to the beginning of the month, but decreased by 12.85% compared to the same period last year.

Analysis review

Galvanized sheet: The price of galvanized sheet had slightly decreased this month, with a slight increase at the end of the month. On September 1st, the price of galvanized sheet was 4,205 RMB/ton, and on September 30th, it was 4,110 RMB/ton, a decrease of 2.25% from the beginning of the month and 21.96% from the same period last year. The downstream demand in the coating market was lukewarm, and market transactions were relatively weak.

Market outlook

Looking back at the steel market in September, as of the 27th, the steel market had shown a stable and rebounding trend after bottoming out. The comprehensive price index of steel had rebounded by 115 points, thread and wire prices had rebounded by 195 and 141 points respectively, medium thick plate, hot-rolled and cold-rolled plate prices had rebounded by 89, 113 and 90 points respectively, iron ore prices had rebounded by 1 US dollars, scrap steel prices rebounded by 45 points, and coke comprehensive prices had rebounded by 34 points, which was in line with the viewpoint of controlling production (although there was resumption of production, absolute production was still controlled at a relatively low level) and oscillating rebound. Looking ahead to the steel market in October, with positive policies exceeding expectations, there is still room for a rebound in the steel market.

Wang Jianhua, Chief Analyst of Shanghai Iron and Steel Union: In October, the steel market will usher in a rare golden period for the whole year, and steel prices will have a certain further oscillation and rebound performance. Most varieties will rebound more than the rebound stage in the first half of this year, and steel mills' profits will also be repaired. In terms of operation, seize the opportunity, combine anticipation with reality, and strive to win a turning point!

Considering the arrival of the off-season, although most factories' costs continued to rise, their shipping mentality continued, and their offers remained strong at high levels. This week, most of the domestic facilities started working normally, but production and sales had not yet been balanced, and inventory was accumulating. It is expected that the price of color coated sheets will remain stable in the short term.

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