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SunSirs: The Domestic BDO Market Was Operating on a Basis of Wait-and-see on October 10th
October 11 2024 13:45:58SunSirs(John)

Market dynamics:

The BDO market in East China fluctuated within a certain range. Recently, the supply of goods in the market has been tight, and online listings have been selling at high levels, causing manufacturers to sell at low prices. Downstream followed up mainly on demand, and there was no significant fluctuation in the market. The BDO market in southern China was operating on a wait-and-see basis. Multiple sets of equipment were on maintenance or was planned to be on maintenance recently, with certain support from the supply side, and the supplier's intention to maintain pricing will continue. Downstream followed up on demand, and the holding manufacturers were cautious in their operations. There was temporarily no significant fluctuation in the market center.

Price dynamics:

The mainstream negotiated price for bulk spot BDO in South China was 7,300-7,500 RMB/ton, and the negotiated price for barreled BDO was 8,600-8,800 RMB/ton (delivered). The mainstream negotiation price for bulk spot BDO in East China was 7,100-7,300 RMB/ton, and the negotiation price for f barreled BDO was 8,300-8,500 RMB/ton (delivered).

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