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SunSirs: The Focus of the Domestic Titanium Dioxide Market Shifted Downwards in Early October
October 12 2024 14:05:21SunSirs(John)

Price trend

Taking the sulfuric acid method rutile titanium dioxide with a large volume of goods in the domestic market as an example, according to data monitoring by SunSirs, the average price of titanium dioxide in the domestic market on October 1st was 15,700 RMB/ton, and on October 11th, the average price of titanium dioxide was 15,550 RMB/ton, with a price reduction of 0.96%.

Analysis review

The domestic titanium dioxide market experienced a decline in the first half of this month. The price of titanium concentrate on raw materials had remained stable, while the price of sulfuric acid had increased. As of October 11, the demand for titanium dioxide in the domestic market was weak. Longbai Group had lowered the guidance price of sulfuric acid method and chloride method titanium dioxide by 200-300 RMB/ton in October, and other titanium dioxide enterprises had adjusted their prices accordingly. As of October 11, the market was mostly wait-and-see, cautious in actual orders, and the market was weak. As of October 11, the domestic quotation for sulfuric acid based rutile type titanium dioxide was mostly between 15,000-16,100 RMB/ton; The quotation for anatase titanium dioxide was around 14,000 RMB/ton. The actual transaction price was negotiable.

In terms of titanium concentrate, the price of titanium concentrate in the Panxi region had remained basically stable. As of October 11, the spot market was tight, but the downstream purchasing atmosphere was average, and the market for titanium dioxide enterprises was sluggish. As of October 11, the price of 38-42 grade titanium ore without tax was around 1,550-1,600 RMB/ton, the price of 46 grade 10 titanium concentrate without tax was around 2,215-2,180 RMB/ton, and the price of 47 grade 20 titanium concentrate was around 2,300-2,350 RMB/ton. In the short term, the stability of Panxi titanium concentrate prices is the main focus, and the specific transaction prices will be discussed on a case by case basis.

Market outlook

The titanium dioxide analyst from SunSirs believes that the domestic titanium dioxide market had declined this week, with light trading on the exchange. Downstream market demand was weak, so be cautious and wait. It is expected that the market will operate weakly and steadily in the short term, and the actual transaction price will be negotiated one by one.

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