Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, on October 15th, the domestic cyclohexanone market price reference was 9,387 RMB/ton. On October 9th, the domestic cyclohexanone market price reference was 9,600 RMB/ton, with a price reduction of 213 RMB/ton, a decrease of 2.21%.
Analysis review
From the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, it can be seen that after the holiday, the domestic cyclohexanone market had a brief upward trend. However, due to limited overall market support, the cyclohexanone market quickly rebounded, swallowing up the narrow rise after the holiday. The market center continued to move downwards, with a cumulative decrease of 100-200 RMB/ton in the past four days. As of October 15th, the reference market price for cyclohexanone in Shandong region was around 9,300-9,500 RMB/ton, and in Inner Mongolia region it was around 9,100 RMB/ton.
Fundamental analysis: As of October 15th, the fundamental performance of the cyclohexanone market was weak, with loose support from the cost side and a lack of overall cost support. Downstream demand was generally average, and the demand side was cautious in purchasing on demand.
Market outlook
As of October 15th, the trading atmosphere in the cyclohexanone market was light, and the mentality of industry players was average. The overall supply and demand transmission in the market was weak. The cyclohexanone data analyst from SunSirs believes that in the short term, the domestic cyclohexanone market will mainly adjust and operate within a narrow range, and more attention should be paid to changes in supply and demand news.
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