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SunSirs: Construction has Declined, China EVA Market has seen a Slight Increase recently
October 23 2024 13:51:28SunSirs(Selena)

Recently (10.16-10.22), the domestic EVA market has seen a slight upward trend. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of October 22, the benchmark price of EVA in China was 10,366 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.65% from 10,300 RMB/ton on October 16. The stable price of EVA raw material ethylene and the adjustment of vinyl acetate price provide certain cost support; The production of EVA equipment has slightly decreased, and the manufacturer's offers have remained firm. The market sentiment of pushing up prices still exists, but downstream consumers are slightly resistant to high priced goods.

Recently (10.16-10.22), the production of EVA equipment in China has slightly decreased to around 7.60%, indicating a certain easing of market supply pressure. The price of raw material ethylene is stable, the price of vinyl acetate has slightly adjusted, and the cost support of EVA still exists. As of October 22, the price of ethylene in the East China market remained around 7,200 RMB/ton, while the price of vinyl acetate slightly decreased by 100 RMB/ton to around 5,600 RMB/ton.

From the perspective of demand side, the EVA terminal industry has been operating steadily recently, and the demand for EVA is mainly driven by rigid needs. The main downstream photovoltaic products are mostly stocked on demand, and the overall market transactions are average.

Future forecast: Overall, the price of EVA raw materials is stable and consolidating, which still provides support for the EVA market. EVA production slightly decreased, easing supply pressure; The demand side urgently needs support in the short term. Overall, it is expected that the EVA spot market will fluctuate and consolidate in the short term


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