Product Name: Benzene
Latest price: The average market price on November 20th was 7,334.67 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.66% compared to the previous trading day.
Analysis review
On November 20th, the price of Benzene in the domestic market continued to rise, and the atmosphere in the market was still good, with prices stable and rising. As of November 20th, Shandong Refining continued to slightly increase prices, and on-site transactions were still acceptable. Sinopec East China had raised its listing price by 100 RMB/ton, with an execution of 7,250 RMB/ton. The spot price of Benzenee in East China was consolidating at a high level, with a slight increase in the number of selling orders.
Market outlook
It is expected that in the short term, prices will tend to consolidate to be stronger, and actual transactions will be negotiated on a case by case basis.
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