On November 21st, the benchmark price of toluene in SunSirs was 5,680.00 RMB/ton, a decrease of 3.07% compared to the beginning of this month (5,860.00 RMB/ton).
On November 21st, the mainstream price range for toluene in the East China region was 5,750-5,780 RMB/ton, with a slight increase of 50-80 RMB/ton compared to the previous trading day. The overall market atmosphere was wait-and-see, with trading generally quiet and the market atmosphere quiet.
On November 21st, the mainstream price range for toluene in the South China market was 5,700-6,000 RMB/ton, a decrease of 10 RMB/ton compared to the previous trading day. The overall changes in spot market quotations were not significant, downstream buying sentiment was weak, market atmosphere was wait-and-see, and spot market trading was weak.
On November 21st, the mainstream price range for toluene in the Shandong region was 5,700-5,780 RMB/ton in the morning, which remained unchanged from the previous trading day. The mentality of the spot market had declined, and local refining enterprises in Shandong had stable quotations. Downstream companies were watching and the overall market trading was sluggish.
If you have any enquiries or purchasing needs, please feel free to contact SunSirs with support@sunsirs.com.