Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of the 21st, the price of EA was 5,623.33 RMB/ton, a decrease of 0.30% compared to the price of 5,640.00 RMB/ton on February 15th, and a decrease of 0.12% from the beginning of the month. The utilization rate of supply side production capacity has increased, downstream demand performance was insufficient, the market supply was strong and demand was weak, and the EA market was consolidating and declining.
Analysis review
This week, the operating rate of domestic EA plants has increased, the supply of market goods has increased, the prices of raw materials continued to rise, and cost pressure continued to increase. However, downstream production of EA was not high, and demand performance was weak. In order to maintain shipments, enterprises have lowered their prices for EA, resulting in poor on-site trading and weak operation of the EA market.
Market outlook
Some enterprises plan to increase the load of EA facilities, and the utilization rate of on-site production capacity will continue to increase. The pressure on market supply of goods will increase, and downstream factories will not start operating enough. Market demand is limited, and it is expected that the price of EA will continue to be weaker in the short term. Specific attention will be paid to changes in supplier facilities and downstream follow-up.
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