Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, on March 5th, the reference price of cyclohexanone in the domestic market in Shandong was 8,750 RMB/ton. Compared with March 1st, the reference price of cyclohexanone in the domestic market was 8,25 RMB/ton, the price has decreased by 175 RMB/ton, a decrease of 1.96%.
From the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, it can be seen that this week, the domestic cyclohexanone market in Shandong region showed a weak downward trend. During the week, there was insufficient support within the cyclohexanone market, and the market center continued to move towards a lower level. As of March 5th, the cyclohexanone market price in Shandong region was around 8,700-8,800 RMB/ton.
Market influencing factors
In terms of supply and demand: As of March 5th, downstream users of cyclohexanone had slow demand, and the overall supply of cyclohexanone in the market was loose. The overall transmission between supply and demand was loose, which provided insufficient market support for cyclohexanone.
In terms of cost: The benzene market on the cost side was fluctuating and falling, and the support for cyclohexanone we also insufficient. On March 5th, the reference price of benzene was 7,543 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.33% compared to March 1st (7,518 RMB/ton).
Market outlook
As of March 5th, the trading atmosphere in the cyclohexanone market was relatively light, and there was a strong wait-and-see sentiment. The cyclohexanone data analyst from SunSirs predicts that in the short term, the domestic cyclohexanone market will mainly be weaker and stable, and specific changes in supply and demand information need to be closely monitored.
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