Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the domestic adipic acid market experienced a weak decline in early March. On March 1st, the average market price of adipic acid was 8,366 RMB/ton. On March 6th, the average market price of adipic acid in China was 8,233 RMB/ton, a decrease of 1.59%.
Loose supply led to a weak decline in the domestic adipic acid market
In early March, the market for , and cyclohexanone raw materials for adipic acid continued to weaken, with sluggish demand in the terminal industry. The supply of adipic acid in the market was loose, and the prices of adipic acid manufacturers and traders continued to decline. The market trading volume was average, and the sales were poor. The average market price of adipic acid has dropped to 7,750-8,100 RMB/ton, with an overall decrease of 100-200 RMB/ton.
Market outlook
An analyst from SunSirs believes that in mid March, due to poor demand in the terminal industry and a weak decline in raw material prices, the adipic acid market will continue to decline in the future.
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