Price trend
This week, the propylene oxide market entered a weak stable consolidation state. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of March 6th, the benchmark price of SunSirs' propylene oxide was 8,037.5 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.16% compared to the beginning of this month (8,100 RMB/ton).
Analysis review
Price influencing factors:
Supply side: LihuaYi Weiyuan and Xinyue Group's propylene oxide product facilities have been restored, with a steady increase in supply and normal market transactions.
On the raw material side: Recently, the price of propylene has risen, and the cost side was supporting propylene oxide. The price of propylene oxide was running steadily. According to the market analysis system of SunSirs, as of March 6th, the benchmark price of propylene in SunSirs was 6,835.75 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.33% compared to the beginning of this month (6,813.25 RMB/ton).
Downstream demand side: The downstream market was observing and following up on purchasing, and the trading atmosphere in the market was improving. New orders were still being transacted.
Market outlook
SunSirs’ propylene oxide analyst believes that the propylene oxide market has entered a weak and stable consolidation state, with supply side support temporarily stored, downstream follow-up procurement, and improved market trading atmosphere. It is predicted that the propylene oxide market price may show a volatile trend in the later stage, and more attention should be paid to changes in raw material prices.
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