DOP price fluctuated and fell this week
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of March 7th, the DOP price was 8,138.75 RMB/ton, a fluctuating decrease of 2.25% compared to the DOP price of 8,326.25 RMB/ton on March 1st. Plasticizer DOP enterprises were operating at a low level, and the supply of plasticizer DOP was tight; The price of PA fluctuated and fell, the price of 2-EH fluctuated and fell, the cost of plasticizer DOP decreased, and the downward pressure on plasticizers increased.
This week, the price of raw material 2-EH fluctuated and fell
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of March 7th, the price of 2-EH was 7,466.67 RMB/ton, a decrease of 2.61% from the price of 7,666.67 RMB/ton on March 1st. The new production capacity of 2-EH has been put into operation, and the supply of 2-EH has increased, shifting from supply shortage to oversupply. The price of 2-EH has fluctuated and fallen, and the cost of plasticizer DOP has decreased.
The demand for plasticizers decreased
The slow start of terminal demand and weak demand for plasticizers have led to a certain degree of inventory pressure in the plasticizer industry. Unsaturated resins and other downstream industries were also facing problems such as slow terminal delivery and insufficient consumption. The growth of plasticizer demand was slow, and the support for plasticizer price increases was insufficient.
Market outlook
According to the plasticizer products data analyst of SunSirs, in terms of cost, the price of 2-EH has fluctuated and fallen, the price of PA has dropped significantly, and the cost of plasticizer DOP has decreased; In terms of demand, downstream production was slowly recovering, and the demand for plasticizers was decreasing. In the future, with the decrease in costs and weak demand for plasticizers, it is expected that the price of plasticizer DOP will remain weak and stabilize.
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