Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, on March 14th, the reference price of cyclohexanone in the domestic market in Shandong was 8,400 RMB/ton. Compared with the reference price of 8,700 RMB/ton on March 7th, the price has decreased by 300 RMB/ton, a decrease of 3.45%.
Analysis review
From the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, it can be seen that this week, the domestic cyclohexanone market in Shandong Province has been weak and declining, with insufficient effective support within the market and market negotiations approaching a low level. As of March 14th, the reference market price for cyclohexanone in Shandong region was around 8,400-8,500 RMB/ton.
Market influencing factors
In terms of supply and demand: As of March 14th, the overall recovery of downstream demand for cyclohexanone in Shandong region was slow, with few new orders from downstream users. There was a certain supply pressure on the cyclohexanone supply side, and the transmission of supply and demand in the cyclohexanone market was loose.
In terms of cost: This week, the benzene market fell, providing weak cost support for cyclohexanone. As of March 13th, the reference price of benzene was 7,009.67 RMB/ton, a decrease of 6.76% compared to March 1st (7,518 RMB/ton).
Market outlook
As of March 14th, the overall inquiry atmosphere in the cyclohexanone market in Shandong was relatively light, and downstream users were cautious in their purchases. The cyclohexanone data analyst from SunSirs predicts that in the short term, the domestic cyclohexanone market will mainly adjust and operate within a certain range, and specific changes in supply and demand information need to be closely monitored.
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