Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of March 14th, the average price of acetic acid was 2,880 RMB/ton, which was the same as the acetic acid price of 2,880 RMB/ton on March 7th, and increased by 2.86% compared to the beginning of the month.
Analysis review
This week, the acetic acid market fluctuated and consolidated, with enterprise quotations rising first and then falling. On the supply side, the main factories in the northern region have delayed maintenance, leading to an increase in shipping sentiment among enterprises. Downstream market entry enthusiasm was not high, and there was resistance to high prices. On site trading was poor, and under the game of supply and demand, the price of acetic acid has been adjusted downward.
The upstream methanol market was fluctuating. From March 7th to 14th, the average price in the domestic market decreased from 2,669 RMB/ton to 2,656 RMB/ton, with an overall decline of 0.47%. At the beginning of the week, some traders restocked and production companies limited their shipments, driving up the domestic methanol market. However, downstream consumers still had resistance to high prices, and their willingness to purchase was average, which suppressed the market and weakened the market negotiation atmosphere. Overall, prices were running weakly.
The downstream acetic anhydride market was weak and declining. On March 14th, the average ex factory price of acetic anhydride was 4,920 RMB/ton, a decrease of 3.43% compared to the price of 5,095 RMB/ton on March 7th. The upstream acetic acid market fluctuated, and the cost of acetic anhydride had limited positive effects. Enterprise quotations were lowered, and the demand side followed suit with weakness. Market transactions were poor, and acetic anhydride prices were weak during the week.
Market outlook
The acetic acid analyst from SunSirs believes that the supply of acetic acid in the market was stable, with companies actively shipping and downstream entry based on demand. There was a game of supply and demand in the market. However, if the supply side planned to maintain the equipment on schedule, the utilization rate of production capacity in the market may decrease. It is expected that the acetic acid market will remain stagnant and consolidate in the later stage, and specific attention should be paid to changes in the equipment and downstream follow-up situations.
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