Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, from March 10th to 14th, the domestic MDI market experienced a weak decline, with an average price of 17,466 RMB/ton at the beginning of the week and 17,400 RMB/ton at the end of the week, a decrease of 0.38% during the period and a year-on-year increase of 3.57%. The domestic MDI market did not see any improvement in transactions within the week, and there was a strong willingness to ship at low prices. Downstream cautiously entered into the market, news boost was limited, and the market remained weak.
Analysis review
On the supply side, the domestic Fujian plant operated at low loads, while other plants operated smoothly. The 70,000 ton/year MDI plant of Japan's Covestro will begin maintenance in early March and is expected to be lasting one month. Huntsman's 500,000 ton MDI plant located in North America is scheduled to be shut down for maintenance starting from early March, lasting for one month.
On the cost side, raw material benzene: The price of benzene has continued to decline, and the operating rate of benzene has rebounded. The inventory of benzene in ports continued to decrease, and downstream production of caprolactam was at a high level. The demand for benzene was relatively strong, and it was temporarily still mainly supported by costs. Raw material aniline: Aniline has fallen, with a mainstream price of 8,700-8,850 RMB/ton. The overall shipment of aniline factory was not smooth, with accumulated inventory and insufficient confidence in the field.
On the demand side, downstream demand follow-up was average, with a focus on essential needs. Export orders were still acceptable, but demand needed further improvement.
Market outlook
The MDI market was running weakly, supported by overseas maintenance news, with suppliers controlling goods, digesting inventory, and waiting for demand to rebound.
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