Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of the 14th, the price of ethyl acetate was 5,663.33 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.41% compared to the price of 5,640 RMB/ton on March 7th, and an increase of 0.89% compared to the beginning of the month. The utilization rate of production capacity on the supply side has decreased, downstream demand is stable, and the market supply and demand are favorable. The ethyl acetate market was consolidating and rising.
Analysis review
This week, the domestic production of ethyl acetate plants has decreased, the supply of market goods has decreased, the prices of raw materials have fluctuated, and the cost support was limited. The downstream of ethyl acetate was steadily following up, and the market transactions were good. With the combination of positive factors in the market, the ethyl acetate market was operating relatively strongly.
Market outlook
Ethyl acetate enterprises were shipping smoothly and had a positive outlook on the market. The expected decrease in on-site supply was not significant, and there was little pressure on market supply. Downstream suppliers were following up on demand, and the market trading atmosphere was good. It is expected that the price of ethyl acetate will remain stable with a stronger trend in the short term. Specific attention will be paid to changes in supplier equipment and downstream follow-up.
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