Price trend
On March 18th, the average price of 1 # antimony ingot in Hunan Province was 211,500 RMB/ton, and the average price of 0 # antimony ingot was 213,500 RMB/ton, an increase of 6,000 RMB/ton from the previous trading day.
On March 18th, the average price of 50% antimony concentrate in Hunan Province was 169,000 RMB/ton, an increase of 2,000 RMB/ton from the previous trading day.
Analysis review
The domestic antimony ingot market has been continuously rising recently, and holders had a strong mentality of holding high prices and being reluctant to sell, constantly raising their quotes. There were few companies offering in the market, and downstream maintained purchases on demand.
Market outlook
It is expected that the antimony ingot market will maintain a strong operation in the short term.
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