Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the average price of ammonium sulfate in the domestic market on March 20th was 936 RMB/ton, which was 0.71% lower than the average price of 943 RMB/ton on March 14th.
Analysis review
This week, the domestic ammonium sulfate market prices continued to decline. The operating rate of coking enterprises remained stable, while the operating rate of their own facilities has decreased. As of March 20th, there was insufficient market demand, and downstream procurement enthusiasm was poor, resulting in a decrease in trading in the ammonium sulfate market. The international market for ammonium sulfate was weak, which was bearish for the domestic market. As of March 20th, the mainstream ex factory quotation for coking grade ammonium sulfate in Shandong region was around 860 RMB/ton. CPL grade ammonium sulfate, the mainstream ex factory quotation in Shandong region was around 940-970 RMB/ton.
Market outlook
An ammonium sulfate analyst from SunSirs believes that the market price of ammonium sulfate has been weak and declining recently. As of March 20th, there was no positive news in the ammonium sulfate market, and the domestic and international demand situation was not good. Downstream procurement was cautious. It is expected that the domestic ammonium sulfate market price will continue to weaken and decline in the short term.
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