Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of March 24th, the reference average price of 85% industrial grade phosphoric acid in China was 6,800 RMB/ton, which was 0.89% higher than the reference average price of 6,740 RMB/ton on March 17th.
Analysis review
Market situation
The domestic phosphoric acid market prices have risen this week. As of March 24th, the factory price of 85% industrial thermal phosphoric acid in Hubei region was around 6,600-6,900 RMB/ton, and the factory price of 85% industrial thermal phosphoric acid in Sichuan region was around 6,700-6,900 RMB/ton. The domestic market price for 85% wet process phosphoric acid was around 6,600-7,100 RMB/ton.
In terms of cost
In terms of raw material phosphorus yellow: After the rise in the phosphorus yellow market this week, the operation has been consolidated, and the operating rate of enterprises has increased, with the main orders being issued in the early stage. As of March 24th, there was a strong wait-and-see sentiment in the market, with downstream demand for replenishment and cautious procurement. It is expected that domestic phosphorus yellow prices will stabilize and operate in the short term.
Market outlook
SunSirs’ phosphoric acid analyst believes that the recent rise in the phosphoric acid market has stabilized. The price of raw material phosphorus yellow has stopped rising, and cost support was still present. Phosphate enterprises focused on stabilizing prices, with stable market trading. It is expected that the domestic phosphoric acid market will experience a narrow consolidation in the short term.
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