441 # metal silicon price trend
1. Product name: Metal Silicon (441 #)
2. The latest price (2020.May.07): 11,058.33 yuan / ton
The prices of 441 # silicon in various regions are as follows:
The price range in Fujian is 10,600-10,700 yuan / ton, tin Sichuan is 10,900-11,000 yuan / ton, in Kunming is 10,800-10,900 yuan / ton, in Shanghai e is 11,500-11,700 yuan / ton, in Tianjin Port is 11,100-11,200 yuan / ton, in Huangpu Port is 11,100-11,200 yuan / ton.
3. Analysis points
Southwest silicon production area has not seen a significant increase in production. Affected by cost factors, the current silicon plant in Liangshan, Ya'an and other regions are not enthusiastic about resuming production, and it is expected that in June the situation may improve. Recently, due to the impact of rising freight rates, manufacturers are willing to increase their prices. Silicon prices stopped falling and stabilized around the holiday, rising slightly.
4. Market forecast: At present, there is not much trading, and the short-term stable operation of metal silicon is mainly.
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