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SunSirs: Chinese Precious Metals Prices Rose on June 22
June 23 2020 08:53:31SunSirs(Linda)

Spot precious metals prices trends

SunSirs data monitoring shows that the average Chinese gold spot price on the 22nd was 395.45 yuan/gram, which was an increase of 1.25% from the 19th gold spot price of 390.55 yuan/gram; compared with the beginning of the year (01.01), the gold spot price was 342.54 yuan/gram, an increase of 15.45%.

On the 22nd, the Chinese silver spot price was 4,323.67 yuan/kg, which was an increase of 3.35% compared with the 19th silver spot price of 4183.33 yuan/kg; compared with the beginning of the year (01.01), the silver spot price was 4,281.67 yuan/kg, a decrease of 1.20%.

Main factors affecting precious metals on the 22nd

1. The fear of the second outbreak of the pandemic has triggered a rise in risk aversion. The World Health Organization said on June 19 that the new coronavirus is still spreading rapidly around the world, and countries need to prevent the emergence of a new peak of the COVID-19. WHO Director General Tan Desai said at the regular press conference that day, the new coronavirus is still spreading rapidly, and most people still face the risk of infection.

2. At present, the real interest rate is relatively low, and the market's concerns about currency depreciation have triggered rising risk aversion. The loose fiscal and monetary policies of governments and central banks have raised concerns about inflation.

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