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SunSirs: Downstream Purchased on Demand Acrylic Acid Market Was Mainly Stable
August 12 2020 14:32:47SunSirs(John)

Price trend

In the first ten days of August, the acrylic acid market was running smoothly. According to data from SunSirs’ bulk list, as of August 10, the average price of acrylic acid in East China was 7,083.33 RMB/ton, which was the same as August 1, and fell 4.28% in a three-month cycle.

Analysis review

At present, the price of raw material propylene is high, the cost pressure is rising, the downstream maintains just-needed purchases, the market atmosphere is light, and inquiries and transactions are limited. On August 10, the acrylic acid commodity index was 35.52, the same as previous day, a decrease of 64.48% from the highest point in the cycle of 100.00 points (2011-09-01), and a 44.57% increase from the lowest point of 24.57 on November 26, 2015. (Note: Period refers to 2011-09-01 to present)

Upstream propylene, as of August 10, the market price of propylene in Shandong still rose. According to the price chart of SunSirs, the price of propylene has fluctuated up and down cyclically recently, and the fluctuation price range is relatively stable. The market turnover on August 10 has reached between 7,000~7,250 RMB/ton, and the mainstream price is around 7,000 RMB/ton. At present, the inventory of propylene manufacturers is not under pressure, the crude oil price market is slightly down, and the downstream polypropylene futures market is normal, but the profit margins such as propylene oxide are rising, and the overall market procurement is picking up, and the market is better. The current propylene market price has exceeded the upper limit of the range, but due to strong downstream support, it is expected that the propylene price may still rise.

Market outlook

According to the acrylic acid analysts of SunSirs, the current market price of raw material propylene is high and the cost is under pressure, downstream on-demand procurement, inquiries and transactions are light, and it is expected that in the short term, the acrylic acid market may be stable.

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