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SunSirs: Domestic Sulfur Prices Were Firm and the Market Continued to Rise
August 19 2020 14:18:12SunSirs(John)

Price trend

The Sulfur Commodity Index on August 18 was 41.33, an increase of 2.19 points from previous day, a decrease of 60.20% from the cycle highest point of 103.84 points (2011-11-02), and an increase of 60.26% from the lowest point of 25.79 points on February 24, 2020. (Note: Period refers to 2011-09-01 to present)

Analysis review

According to SunSirs’ price monitoring, the average price of sulfur production in East China was 753.33 RMB/ton, a single-day increase of 5.61%. At present, the sulfur inventory in domestic refineries is low, and the supply of liquid sulfur is tight. Under the performance of supply and demand, it supports the market. On Tuesday, refineries in various regions made quotations based on their own shipments. Most companies raised their quotations, and a few quotations were temporarily stable. Sinopec's quotations for solid and liquid sulfur in North China were increased by 30 RMB/ton; Sinopec's quotations for solid and liquid sulfur in East China were increased by 20 RMB/ton. ; Sinopec's quotations for solid sulfur in Shandong region were increased by 60 RMB/ton and liquid sulfur by 40 RMB/ton.

The downstream sulphuric acid market has been operating steadily for the time being, the domestic acid market is obviously regionalized, and the high and low prices coexist in the market. Sulfuric acid market is mainly organized and operated due to oversupply. In terms of ammonium phosphate, the monoammonium market is organized and operated, and downstream factories purchase on demand. The market sentiment is weak. The diammonium market trend is good, the downstream demand is good, and the market price continues to be firm.

Market outlook

At present, most of the domestic sulphur companies' quotations have risen, and the sulphur market prices are firm. Under the support of the domestic market, the later market may rise up.

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