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SunSirs: Chinese Antimony Manufacturers Reluctant to Sell, Prices in August Went up
September 02 2020 08:21:22SunSirs(Linda)

In August 2020, the domestic market price of 1# antimony ingot increased. The average domestic market price was 36875 yuan/ton at the beginning of the month and 38,375 yuan/ton at the end of the month, an increase of 1,500 yuan/ton, an increase of 4.07%.

The antimony commodity index on August 30 was 53.42, the same as yesterday, a decrease of 47.79% from the highest point in the cycle of 102.32 points (2012-10-16), and an increase of 13.71% from the lowest point of 46.98 points on December 24, 2015. (Note: Period refers to 2012-09-08 to present).

The price of antimony products increased for three consecutive days from August 10 to 13, mainly affected by tight supply of raw materials. Manufacturers were reluctant to sell related products. They continuously raised their ex-factory prices, and manufacturers' prices followed the rise in market prices. After the transaction situation was general, the price remained high and consolidated mainly, and most downstream purchases were on demand. As of the 31st, the average domestic market price was 2# low bismuth antimony ingot 37250 yuan/ton, 1# antimony ingot 37750 yuan/ton, 0# antimony ingot 38750 Yuan/ton, the average price of 2# high bismuth antimony ingot is 35750 Yuan/ton. The market price of antimony trioxide remained stable following the trend of antimony ingots. As of the 29th, the average price of antimony trioxide was 99.5% at 34,500 yuan/ton, and 99.8% was at 36,000 yuan/ton. Compared with the same period last month, the price increased by RMB 1250-1500/ton.

The antimony trioxide output statistics of the Antimony Industry Branch of the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association show that the output of antimony trioxide in June 2020 was 8,559 tons, an increase of 5.5% month-on-month and a year-on-year increase of 7.6%; the output of antimony trioxide from January to June was 42588 Tons, down 1.5% year-on-year. From the perspective of the production of antimony trioxide by the above-mentioned enterprises by province, the top five provinces with antimony trioxide output from January to June 2020 are: Hunan 25939 tons, Guangxi 7975 tons, Guangdong 4818 tons, and Yunnan 1982 tons , Guizhou 1831 tons, accounting for 60.9%, 18.7%, 11.3%, 4.7% and 4.3% of total output respectively. In the first half of the year, domestic production was relatively stable, supply was slightly tight, and relevant manufacturers had a strong reluctance to sell.

SunSirs believes that at present, antimony product manufacturers are mainly priced, and the metal market fluctuates frequently in the near future, and the benefits are frequent. However, in the case of low transactions in the antimony market, most manufacturers are mainly priced.

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