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Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber News
SunSirs: The Price of NBR in China Increased again in early November
November 05 2020 10:06:33SunSirs(Selena)

On the first working day of November, China domestic market price of NBR increased again. As of November 2, the price of NBR was 18,933.33 RMB/ ton, up 4.03% compared with the previous day.

The price of raw materials rose, and the cost of NBR was supported. The price of butadiene in October increased from 6,338 RMB/ ton at the beginning of the month to 9,200 RMB/ ton at the end of the month, an overall increase of 45.16%; the ex-factory price of acrylonitrile Shanghai Secco in October increased from 8,700 RMB/ ton at the beginning of the month to 9,200 RMB/ ton at the end of the month, an overall increase of 5.75%.

On the one hand, due to the continuous and serious impact of the epidemic situation abroad, the demand for medical NBR gloves was strong, and the demand for NBR latex was in short supply, and the price rose to nearly 30,000 RMB/ ton. Driven by profits, some manufacturers switched the production lines of NBR to produce NBR latex, and the supply of other brands of NBR in the market decreased. On the other hand, the operating rate of the downstream insulation foaming and rubber hose industries of traditional nitrile dry rubber is higher than that of the earlier stage, and the demand is strong, which has a rigid support for the dry nitrile rubber. Generally, the price of China NBR is expected to remain high in the short term.


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