441# Silicon Price Trend
On January 5, 2021, the price of silicon metal (441#) will move downward. According to the data of the business agency, the average market price of domestic silicon metal (441#) on January 5 was 13,650 yuan/ton, a decrease of 1.97% from the average market price in early December (12.1) of 13,925 yuan/ton; compared with the beginning of the year (1.1) market The average price was 13,758.33 yuan/ton, a decrease of 0.79%.
On the 5th, the price of 441# silicon in various regions is as follows
The price range of #441 metal silicon in Fujian area is 12900-13000 yuan/ton, the price range of #441 metal silicon in Sichuan area is 13400-13500 yuan/ton, and the price range of #441 metal silicon in Kunming area is 13400-13500 yuan/ton. Shanghai area# The price range of 441 metal silicon is 14400-14600 yuan/ton, the transaction range of Tianjin Port #441 metal is 13800-13900 yuan/ton, and the price range of Huangpu Port #441 metal silicon is 13600-13800 yuan/ton.
At present, the Southwest Silicon Plant has increased its production shutdowns and reduced production, the operating rate has decreased month-on-month, and the output of metal silicon has decreased; however, due to the weakening of export inquiries and the decline in prices, domestic downstream buyers buy up but not buy down.
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