1. The market price of rapeseed meal
The average price of rapeseed meal in East China on April 28 was 2886 yuan/ton, and the average price on April 27 was 2903 yuan/ton, down 0.57%.
2. Market Analysis
On April 28, the price of packaged rapeseed meal in Xiamen, Fujian was 2890 yuan/ton, the price of packaged rapeseed meal in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu was 2970 yuan/ton, and the price of packaged rapeseed meal in Nantong, Jiangsu was 2990 yuan/ton; the price of bulk pellets in Nantong, Jiangsu was 2880 yuan/ton. The price of bulk particles in Tianjin is 2900 yuan/ton, the price of bulk powder in Nantong, Jiangsu is 2940 yuan/ton, and the price of bulk powder in Tianjin is 2890 yuan/ton.
The high cost of imported rapeseed, the recent continuous loss of profit, some oil plants have shut down, the crushing volume is at a low level, and the supply is small, which is good for the price of rapeseed. The peak season for aquaculture is approaching, and the demand for rapeseed meal may improve. According to statistics, the stocks of rapeseed meal along the coast fell to 81,200 tons last week, a decrease of 8%. Soybean meal prices fell on the 28th, and rapeseed meal followed the decline.
3. Market forecast
As aquaculture is slowly recovering, SunSirs rapeseed meal analysts predict that rapeseed meal may be operating within a narrow range.
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