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SunSirs: The Market Price of Acrylic Acid Fell
May 25 2021 14:18:18SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to data from SunSirs’ bulk list, as of May 24, the average price of acrylic acid in East China was 10,200 RMB/ton, which was a 5.85% reduction compared with the price on last Friday and an increase of 0.66% compared with the price on April 24. It fell 2.55% in a three-month cycle.

Analysis review

The acrylic acid market has been weak recently, and the acrylic acid market price was lowered on May 24. At present, the price of raw material propylene has stopped falling and rebounded, the actual cost support is still limited, the market enquiry atmosphere is flat, the transaction is average, and the downstream purchases are mainly on-demand.

Upstream propylene, the market price of propylene in Shandong region rebounded slightly on May 24. According to the monitoring data of SunSirs, the price of propylene in Shandong continued to rise in the middle and the last ten days of April, and the price fell sharply in the second ten days, and remained stable at the end of the month. During the May Day holiday, the price of propylene continued to be stable in the first two days. From the 3rd to the 7th, the price of propylene continued to rise by about 50 RMB/ton per day. The price remained stable on the 9th. On the 13th, the propylene price stabilized again after a small increase. Starting from the 17th, the price fell by 50 RMB/ton per day, and fell by about 100 RMB/ton on the 19th and 20th. Propylene prices rebounded from Sunday (23rd), and continued to rise at a rate of 50 RMB/ton on the 24th. The market turnover was between 8,100 and 8,300 RMB/ton, and the mainstream price was around 8,100 RMB/ton.

Market outlook

According to the acrylic acid analysts of SunSirs, the current price of raw material propylene has risen slightly, the support from cost side has been strengthened, and the buying performance on demand side is average. It is expected that the acrylic acid market may be stable in the short term, and more attention needs to be paid to the rise and fall of raw materials.

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