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SunSirs: On June 15, 2021, the price of silicon metal (441#) moves upward
June 16 2021 08:44:21SunSirs(Linda)

441# silicon price trend at a glance

On June 15, 2021, the price of silicon metal (441#) increased. According to the data of the business agency, the average market price of domestic silicon metal (441#) on June 15 was 14,141.67 yuan/ton, which was an increase of 0.59% compared to the average market price before the Dragon Boat Festival of 14,058.33 yuan/ton, and was 0.89% higher than the previous week's average market price. .

The prices of 441# silicon in various regions on the 15th are as follows:

The price range of #441 silicon metal in Huangpu Port area is 14300-14400 yuan/ton, the average price is 14350 yuan/ton; the price range of #441 metal silicon in Tianjin Port area is 14300-14400 yuan/ton, the average price is 14350 yuan/ton; Kunming area# 441 metal silicon price range is 13900-14000 yuan/ton, the average price is 13950 yuan/ton; Sichuan #441 metal silicon price range is 13900-14000 yuan/ton, the average price is 13950 yuan/ton; Fujian #441 metal transaction range is 13300 -13400 yuan/ton, the average price is 13,350 yuan/ton; Shanghai #441 metal silicon price range is 14800-15000 yuan/ton, the average price is 14,900 yuan/ton.

Silicon plant safety inspection, relatively slight drop in output

A fire broke out in Xinjiang's organic silicon plant, and the production capacity of organic silicon was reduced, and the metal silicon plant in Xinjiang may face safety inspections for parking. It is expected that the production will resume in early July. Some markets are anxious to purchase, which promotes market transactions, and some silicon plants slightly adjust High quotes.

From the perspective of demand, the organic silicon plants in Xinjiang stop for security inspections, and the possibility of resumption of production in June is relatively small, so the demand for silicon metal will be reduced; from the perspective of supply, it is reported that the three ports of Huangpu, Kunming and Tianjin last week The local silicon metal inventory is 25,000/ton, a week-on-week decrease of 2 million/ton, but with the resumption of production in some silicon plants in Yunnan, it is expected that the silicon metal inventory will rebound slightly. In summary, under the trend of weakening of both supply and demand, the spot price of metal silicon will mainly fluctuate within the range in the short term.

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