Under the influence of the upstream viscose staple fiber rise, the price of rayon yarn after the holiday has risen sharply, and manufacturers may have a certain willingness to stand up for the price. According to SunSirs price monitoring, as of October 9, 2021, the average ex-factory price of rayon yarn (30S, ring spun, first-class product) was 19,000 yuan/ton, an increase of 2,000 yuan/ton from before the holiday, an increase of 11.7%. There may be stocking sentiment in the downstream of the terminal, and the trading atmosphere may be improving, but the overall market atmosphere is relatively light, and most of them hold a wait-and-see attitude.
Outlook forecast
Under the continuous “dual control”, the upstream viscose staple fiber quotation has a strong bullish sentiment. In the absence of a significant improvement on the demand side, analysts at SunSirs predict that the price of rayon yarn will pick up in the short term, but the extent is limited, and the follow-up still needs to pay attention to policy changes.
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