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Flake caustic soda News
SunSirs: The Price Trend of Flake Caustic Soda Was Generally Down in November
December 01 2021 14:09:25SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the monitoring data of SunSirs, the price of caustic soda was weak this month. The average market price of flake caustic soda at the beginning of the month was 5,600 RMB/ton. At the end of the month, the average market price of flake caustic soda was about 3,050 RMB/ton, and the price dropped by 45.54%. This month, the domestic market of flake caustic soda was weak.

Analysis review

Upstream caustic soda, according to the monitoring data of SunSirs, the price of caustic soda went down in November as a whole. The market price in Shandong at the beginning of the month was 1,470 RMB/ton, and the average price in the Shandong market at the end of the month was 847.5 RMB/ton. The price fell 42.35% and the price rose 72.96% over the same period last year.

The alumina market repeatedly lowered the purchase price of liquid caustic soda this month. The downstream support was insufficient, and the price of liquid caustic soda was lowered. Alumina companies had average purchases of caustic soda and continued to put pressure on caustic soda. The demand for caustic soda in the alumina industry was average, and the shipments of caustic soda companies were average.

Market outlook

SunSirs’ analysts believe that downstream alumina companies purchase more flake caustic on demand, and the sales of flake caustic caustic are average, and pessimism is beginning to linger. It is expected that flake caustic soda will mainly operate in a weaker position in the follow-up, depending on the downstream market demand.

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