Precious metal spot price trends
The average price of silver in the early trading on December 15 was RMB 4,647/kg, which was a decrease of 0.77% compared with the average price of Tuesday (December 14) in the early trading of spot market price of RMB 4,611/kg; compared with the spot price of silver at the beginning of the year (01.01), which was 5,550 yuan/kg. , A decrease of 16.92%.
The spot market price of gold on December 15 was 366.68 yuan/g, which was 0.30% lower than the spot market price of 367.77 yuan/g on Tuesday (12.14), and was 366.42 yuan/g, a decrease of 0.07, compared with the early December (12.1) spot market price in early trading. %; Compared with the beginning of the year (01.01), the spot price of gold was 392.70 yuan/g, a drop of 6.63%.
Precious metal gold and silver price trend comparison in the past year
The precious metals gold and silver have relatively good convergence, and the price of silver has a larger amplitude, and the direction is basically the same. After the recent price cut, the silver price consolidated at a low level.
Macro policy factors
The People's Bank of China conducted a 500 billion one-year MLF operation, and the interest rate remained unchanged at 2.95%. Today, 950 billion yuan of MLF expires; the central bank's RRR cut takes effect today.
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