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SunSirs: On March 3, the Second Round of Coke Rise Was Implemented
March 04 2022 09:30:01SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the price monitoring of SunSirs, the price of primary metallurgical coke in Shanxi on March 3 was 2,994 RMB/ton, an increase of 200 RMB/ton or 7.16% from the previous trading day.

Analysis review

Recently, the overall coking coal market was stable and on the rise, coal mines were actively shipping, downstream demand was good, and purchasing intentions were high. At present, the market delivery situation is good, and the orders are sufficient.

On the 3rd, the second round of coke increase was basically implemented, with a cumulative increase of 400 RMB/ton.

In terms of supply, the Winter Paralympic Games are approaching, and the market expects that the supply will be tight in the future. At present, the coke supply is slightly tight, and the coking enterprise has a better mentality.

In terms of downstream demand, steel mills have recently started to increase overall. Although some areas were affected by the production restrictions of the Winter and Paralympic Games, the overall impact was limited. At present, steel mills are more motivated to stock up and have better demand for coke.

Market outlook

It is expected that the coke market will continue to be stable and strong, focusing on the coke inventory in various links and the impact of production restriction factors such as the Paralympic Games on the coke market.

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