Trade name: sulfur
Latest price (March 15): 3116.67RMB/ton
Key points of analysis: according to the price monitoring of business society, the average price of sulfur in East China today increased by 11.98% compared with yesterday. Today, the sulfur market is running high and strong. Refineries in various regions in China have increased significantly. The adjustment range of sulfur fixation price is 250-400 RMB/ton, and the adjustment range of liquid sulfur is 40-300 RMB/ton. The domestic market has risen strongly. The reason for the sharp rise is the high support of the port price market. It is difficult to find the supply of goods in the port. The cargo holders are reluctant to sell, and the sulfur price is high. In terms of downstream demand, the sulfuric acid market is rising, and the fertilizer is used stably in spring, which gives a continuous positive impact on the market demand. The supply of goods in the domestic market is not in line with the demand, and the price of solid-liquid sulfur is running at a high level.
Aftermarket forecast: the short-term sulfur market is relatively strong, so we should pay more attention to the downstream follow-up.
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