Price trend
Recently, cement prices in East China have mainly declined slightly. In Jiangsu, inventories have been growing. Around April 15, the prices of various types of cement from some cement manufacturers in some parts of Jiangsu were lowered, with a drop of 20-30 RMB/ton.
Analysis review
Affected by public security incidents, local control has been tightened, the start of some real estate projects has slowed down, most manufacturers' inventories were at a high level and were under pressure, and manufacturers' sales pressure has been relatively high. Manufacturers lowered their prices in order to deliver goods, and the overall cement price was on the downside.
Market outlook
According to the company's forecast, construction sites are limited and cement inventories remain high. Therefore, analysts of SunSirs’ cement products believe that in a short period of time, the cement market will mainly decline.
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