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SunSirs: The spandex market in various regions has been adjusted in a narrow range and continued to be weak
June 09 2022 08:55:58()

On June 8, the spandex market in Shandong continued to be weak, the cost side support was weak, and the demand in the downstream end field was insufficient. In terms of price, the mainstream price of 20D refers to 54000-60000 RMB/ton; 30D mainstream price refers to 47000-53000 RMB/ton; 40D mainstream price refers to 41000-46000 RMB/ton.

On June 8, the spandex market in Zhejiang region was adjusted in a narrow range, the cost side support was weakened, the supply of goods was stable, and the downstream end market demand followed slowly. In terms of price, the mainstream price of 20D is 54000-60000 RMB/ton, that of 30D is 47000-53000 RMB/ton, and that of 40D is 40000-46000 RMB/ton.

On June 8, the spandex market in Fujian continued to be weak, the supply of goods was sufficient, and the downstream terminal sector started at a low level. In terms of price, the mainstream price of 20D refers to 54000-60000 RMB/ton; 30D mainstream price refers to 47000-53000 RMB/ton; 40D mainstream price refers to 41000-46000 RMB/ton.

On June 8, the market price of spandex in Jiangsu was adjusted in a narrow range, the cost side support was weakened, the supply of goods was stable, and the downstream end market demand followed slowly. In terms of price, the mainstream price of 20D refers to 54000-60000 RMB/ton; 30D mainstream price refers to 47000-53000 RMB/ton; 40D mainstream price refers to 40000-46000 RMB/ton.

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