Cyclohexanone in East China market fell in a weak position, with weak demand and high shipping pressure. The market fell with the offer of enterprises. The price in East China market was referred to 11500-11600 RMB/ton in cash.
Cyclohexanone in the South China market fell weakly, the factory quotation was lowered, the downstream was purchased on demand, and the market trading was flat. The South China market price refers to 11700-11900 RMB/ton, which will be delivered in cash.
The cyclohexanone in Shandong market fell in a weak position, the shipping pressure was too high, the price fell again, and the downstream demand was depressed. The mainstream reference for Shandong factory was about 11100 RMB/ton, and the market price was 11200-11300 RMB/ton, which was delivered in cash.
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