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SunSirs: China Coke Market temporarily Operated stably on October 12
October 13 2022 09:14:24SunSirs(Selena)

According to the price monitoring of SunSirs, the price of quasi first grade metallurgical coke in Shanxi Province was 2,600 RMB/ ton on October 12, unchanged from the previous trading day.

The coking coal market has been operating stably, moderately and strongly in the near future. The coal mines in the main production areas have plans to limit production and stop production in the near future. It is estimated that the market is expected to tighten in about 5-7 days. The transportation in some areas is still blocked at present, which has a certain impact on the shipment. The tight supply supports the higher price of coking coal.

In terms of supply, motor transport is still limited in some cities of Shanxi today, and the supply of raw materials and coke export of some enterprises are affected to varying degrees. The production and marketing situation in other regions has not changed much, and the inventory in the factory is generally low. In terms of downstream demand, the recent commencement of steel plants has maintained a high level of stability, the overall demand for coke is relatively stable, and the coke demand is still there. In the future market, the sales of finished products have improved to a certain extent, the demand for coke procurement is still good, and the mentality of coking enterprises is strong. It is expected that the coke market will operate stably, moderately and strongly in the short term. The future market will focus on the impact of transportation and the profit of coke steel enterprises on coke prices in China.


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