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Fuel Oil LNG Thermal Coal News
SunSirs: Statistics of National Bureau of Statistics: Energy Production in September 2022
October 28 2022 13:33:41()

In September, the production of raw coal, crude oil and natural gas of industries above designated size increased year-on-year, the growth rate of raw coal and crude oil accelerated, natural gas was slowed.

The raw coal production increased rapidly. In September, 390 million tons of raw coal were produced, a year-on-year increase of 12.3 percent, 4.2 percentage point faster than that of the previous month, and the average daily output was 12.89 million tons. From January to September, 3.32 billion tons of raw coal were produced, a year-on-year increase of 11.2 percent.

The production of crude oil changed from decreasing to increasing. In September, it produced 16.81 million tons of crude oil, a year-on-year increase of 1.4 percent, a decrease of 0.2 percent in the previous month, and the average daily output was 560,000 tons. From January to September, it produced 153.75 million tons of crude oil, a year-on-year increase of 3.0 percent.

The decrease in crude oil processing volume changed from decreasing to increasing. In September, 56.81 million tons of crude oil were processed, a year-on-year increase of 1.9 percent, a decrease of 6.5 percent in the previous month, and the average daily processing was 1.894 million tons. From January to September, 497.26 million tons of crude oil were processed, a year-on-year decrease of 5.1 percent.

The growth rate of natural gas production was slowed. In September, it produced 16.4 billion cubic meters of natural gas, a year-on-year increase of 4.6 percent, 1.7 percentage points slower than last month, and the average daily output was 550 million cubic meters. From January to September, 160.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas were produced, a year-on-year increase of 5.4 percent.

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