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SunSirs: Cost Weakened, Chlorinated Paraffin Price Was Falling (November 11-17)
November 18 2022 13:24:12SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the monitoring data of SunSirs, the average factory price of domestic chlorinated paraffin 52 was 6,116 RMB/ton on November 11, and 6,033 RMB/ton on November 17. The price of chlorinated paraffin 52 fell 1.36% this week.

Analysis review

The price of chlorinated paraffin 52 mainly fell this week. This week, the price of raw material liquid chlorine was lowered, and the cost support was weakened. The supply of chlorinated paraffin was fair, the downstream demand was sluggish, the trading on the market was limited, and the wait-and-see mood in the industry increased. As of November 17, the ex factory quotation of chlorinated paraffin 52 in Anhui was about 6,400 RMB/ton, that in Northeast China was about 6,000 RMB/ton, and that in Shandong was about 5,700 RMB/ton.

In terms of raw material liquid wax, the price of liquid wax continued to rise this week, and the liquid wax was shipped stably, with a fair deal. In terms of raw material liquid chlorine, the price of liquid chlorine fell sharply this week, and the market trading was poor, and the overall shipment was not smooth.

Market outlook

According to the chlorinated paraffin analysts of SunSirs, the cost support of chlorinated paraffin is weakened, the demand side is sluggish, and the chlorinated paraffin is generally weak. It is expected that the weak market of chlorinated paraffin will continue in the short term, and it is recommended to pay attention to the changes in raw material market.

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