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Flake caustic soda News
SunSirs: The Price of Flake Caustic Soda in November Was Overall Consolidated
November 30 2022 14:22:03SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the monitoring data of SunSirs, the price of flake caustic soda in November was generally consolidated. The average market price of flake caustic soda at the beginning of the month was 4,850 RMB/ton, and the average market price at the end of the month was about 4,783.33 RMB/ton. The price fell 1.37%, and 59.44% higher than the same period last year. On the 29th, the domestic flake alkali market was consolidated.

Analysis review

According to the survey data of SunSirs, the mainstream of domestic caustic soda prices was stable and sporadically adjusted. The average market price in Shandong was about 1,070-1,200 RMB/ton. The factory quotation of 32% liquid caustic soda mainstream in Hebei was about 1,170-1,300 RMB/ton. The price of caustic soda fell overall this month. The main reason was that in November, the price of caustic soda fell, the main caustic soda enterprises produced more stably, and the supply of goods on the market was sufficient. However, the downstream market was mainly wait-and-see, and the shipment was more ordinary than in the early stage.

Market outlook

Analysts from SunSirs believe that the price of flake caustic soda market has been consolidated and operated recently, maintaining the early trend. The market transaction is relatively ordinary, and the enterprise starts construction more stably. In a comprehensive way, the price of flake caustic soda may maintain the consolidation and operation in the short term, depending on the downstream market demand.

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