Product name: Potassium chloride (imported)
Latest price (September 15th): 3,050 RMB/ton
Analysis review
On September 15th, the domestic market price of imported potassium chloride slightly decreased, dropping by 25 RMB/ton or 0.81% compared to September 14th. As of September 15th, the port's 62% self delivered price of white potassium chloride was around 2,800-2,900 RMB/ton; The self delivered price of 60% bright red granules potassium chloride at the port was around 3,000 RMB/ton. Border trade accounted for 62% of Russian white potassium chloride at around 2,800 RMB/ton. The arrival price of potassium chloride in domestic Saltlake was around 2,700 RMB/ton.
The downstream potassium carbonate and potassium nitrate markets were consolidating at high levels, and downstream procurement enthusiasm was average.
Market outlook
In the future, domestic potassium chloride prices may fluctuate and fall slightly, with consolidation being the main trend. The average import market price of potassium chloride is around 3,000 RMB/ton.
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