Price trend
On February 18th, the cotton yarn market in the Xiaoshan and Shaoxing area remained stable and slightly deadlocked, with some specifications experiencing slight price increases. Among them, the mainstream price of 21S combed cotton yarn was around 20,470 RMB/ton, with an increase of 35 RMB/ton; The mainstream price for high-end configuration was around 21,150 RMB/ton, with an increase of 50 RMB/ton; 32S regular comb mainstream was around 21,470 RMB/ton, with an increase of 35 RMB/ton;; The mainstream price of 40S high-end yarn was around 23,300 RMB/ton, which remained stable.
Market outlook
It is expected that the overall cotton yarn market will remain cautious and volatile in the near future.
If you have any enquiries or purchasing needs, please feel free to contact SunSirs with
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