SunSirs: The Price of EA Remained Stable
January 25 2025 09:54:01     SunSirs (John)Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the ex factory price of EA in China was 5,623.33 RMB/ton on January 23, which was the same as the previous trading day's price. The cost support WAs relatively weak, downstream followed up on demand, and suppliers had a wait-and-see attitude before the holiday. The price of EA was running steadily.
Analysis review
The market for EA remained stable. On the raw material side, the price of acetic acid was running weakly, and there was insufficient cost support; On the demand side, downstream domestic demand replenishment have increased, export orders have increased, and the overall market trading atmosphere was still acceptable; The enterprise adopted a wait-and-see attitude and the quotation ran smoothly.
Market outlook
The market for EA raw materials has weakened, with negative news affecting the supply side and manufacturers. The export market support was well, and sales pressure was not high. Domestic downstream stocking was coming to an end, and on-site demand was limited. It is expected that the price of EA will continue to operate steadily before the holiday, and specific attention will be paid to changes in the upstream market and downstream follow-up.
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