Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, starting from February 11th, the domestic adipic acid market has experienced a weak decline, with the main trend being the decline. On February 11th, the average market price of adipic acid was 8,600 RMB/ton. On February 17th, the average market price of adipic acid in China was 8533 RMB/ton, a decrease of 0.78%.
Analysis review
Starting from February 10th, the prices of benzene and cyclohexanone raw materials for adipic acid have fallen, and the demand in the terminal industry was relatively stable. There was an oversupply of adipic acid in the market, and the shipping prices of adipic acid manufacturers and traders have gradually decreased. The market transactions were average, and the sales were flat. The average market price of adipic acid has dropped to 8,400-8,500 RMB/ton, with an overall decrease of 50-100 RMB/ton.
Market outlook
An analyst from SunSirs believes that at the end of February, the demand in the terminal industry was average, and the raw material market was weak and consolidated. The adipic acid market may mainly decline in the future.
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