On March 13, PVC in Zibo area was weak, and some models fell slightly by 20-30 RMB/ton. The market atmosphere was stalemate, there were not many inquiries, and the actual transaction was general. At present, the mainstream quotation of calcium carbide method type 5 is in the range of 4850-4950 RMB/ton.
PVC in Linyi area was weak and volatile, and some models in the market fell today, with a range of 10-20 RMB/ton. The market atmosphere was stalemate, and the actual transaction was general. At present, the mainstream quotation of calcium carbide method type 5 is in the range of 4850-4950 RMB/ton.
If you have any enquiries or purchasing needs, please feel free to contact SunSirs with support@sunsirs.com
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