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December 19 2024 09:38:43     SunSirs (Selena)


Entering this pricing cycle, the international oil price market is mainly volatile. As of the 17th, the settlement price of the main contract for WTI crude oil futures in the United States was $69.65 per barrel, and the settlement price of the main contract for Brent crude oil futures was $73.19 per barrel. During this cycle, crude oil prices have fluctuated narrowly with little overall change. On the one hand, the geopolitical tension between Russia and Ukraine has escalated, and the United States has announced a new round of sanctions against Russia. In addition, OPEC+may extend its production reduction plan again at the December meeting, and it may be postponed until the second quarter of next year. This news is positive for international oil prices. On the other hand, the weak demand in the international crude oil market and investors' concerns about the prospect of oversupply in the crude oil market still exist, which is bearish on the oil market. Overall, the adjustment of crude oil change rate during the cycle is not significant. As of the 18th, the change rate of crude oil varieties on the tenth working day was -0.16%, corresponding to a 5 RMB/ton reduction in domestic gasoline and diesel retail prices, which did not touch the adjustment red line of 50 RMB/ton. Therefore, the retail price of refined oil products will not be adjusted for this round.



現在、原油市場は弱気要因と混ざり合っており、地政学的な不安定性が引き続き市場に影響を与えています。OPEC 減産の雰囲気は依然として存在するが、悲観的な需要が依然として原油価格を抑制するだろう。全体として、国際原油市場は主に不安定です。国内で見ると、製油所の稼働率は短期的には低いままであり、精製石油製品の供給は比較的正常です。ガソリン船の受注が増加し、仲介業者による仕入れが活発化しています。さらに、多くの地元の事業部門が年間販売目標を達成しており、多くの企業がガソリン市場価格を依然として支える高価格ポリ政策を実施しています。ディーゼル需要に関しては、需要の漸進的な弱体化とディーゼル使用量の減少に伴い、トレーダーと最終企業は調達業務に慎重であり、ディーゼル市場の状況は一般的に短期的には平均的です。



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