January 14 2025 09:23:44     SunSirs (Selena)2024年、国内市場でのEVAの生産は増加を続け、供給側への圧力は減少しません。また、川下の需要が想定通りに進まないため、市場価格が全体的に変動し、下落しています。SunSirsのモニタリングによると、2024年12月31日現在、国内のEVA市場価格は10,533元/トンで、開始価格の11,433元/トンから7.87%下落しました。サイクル中の最高点は12,166元/トン、サイクル中の最低点は10,083元/トンでした。
At the beginning of the year, downstream stocks were prepared before the holiday, and after the Spring Festival, enterprise production gradually started. Demand gradually improved, driving EVA prices to fluctuate and rise in the first quarter. In the second quarter, the downstream EVA industry gradually entered the traditional off-season of demand, and the demand for foam, hot melt adhesive and other industries gradually weakened. However, the demand for photovoltaics fell short of expectations, coupled with Baofeng's new production capacity entering the market, the supply-demand contradiction in the EVA market became prominent, and prices fell under pressure. In July, the downstream EVA industry had weak demand during the off-season, and the market transaction center shifted downwards. In August, the main downstream photovoltaic film companies entered the market to replenish their inventory, and coupled with low production levels and little pressure on EVA supply, market prices rebounded slightly. In September, the demand for EVA did not perform as expected, and there was significant pressure on market shipments, resulting in a slight decrease in EVA prices once again. In the fourth quarter of 2024, EVA equipment maintenance occurred frequently, and imports continued to decrease. Coupled with the support of photovoltaic demand, the industry as a whole was in a state of destocking, and prices slightly rebounded.
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