February 07 2025 09:26:49     SunSirs (Selena)このラウンドの国内精製油価格調整ウィンドウは、2月6日24:00にオープンしました。精製油の小売価格調整は停滞しており、精製油の小売価格は2025年に2回の上方修正を経験しました。このサイクルでは、原油市場は最初に上昇し、次に下落し、精製油の調整範囲はまだ50人民元の調整レッドラインに達していません。したがって、このラウンドの精製油の小売価格は一時的に調整されません。
Entering this pricing cycle, the international oil price market first rose and then fell. As of the 5th, the settlement price of the main contract for WTI crude oil futures in the United States was $71.03 per barrel, and the settlement price of the main contract for Brent crude oil futures was $74.61 per barrel. At the beginning of this cycle, crude oil prices rose. On the one hand, the OPEC+production reduction agreement was extended, and the United States increased sanctions on Russia. There were strong concerns about supply shortages, and the supply of crude oil was supported by favorable factors. On the other hand, the instability of the situation in the Middle East still exists, and the winter cold wave in Europe and America is expected to further boost fuel demand, leading to an upward trend in the crude oil market. In the later stage of this cycle, the United States imposed tariffs and Trump demanded OPEC to increase production to lower oil prices. In addition, with the significant increase in US crude oil inventories, the market still has concerns about crude oil demand, and crude oil market prices have fallen sharply. Overall, the rate of change in crude oil during the cycle has significantly narrowed in a positive direction. As of the 6th, the change rate of crude oil varieties on the 10th working day was 0.75%, corresponding to an increase of about 35 RMB/ton in domestic gasoline and diesel retail prices, which did not touch the adjustment red line of 50 RMB/ton. The adjustment of refined oil retail prices in 2025 has been stalled for the first time.
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